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Your Feedback to the Septic Survey

Posted on October 25, 2023

September 2023 Septic Survey Results

The Blue River Water District conducted a brief survey this month to assess the community’s demand for sewage hookup services, especially for those who are unable to obtain septic permits.

Thank you to everyone who took part and let us know your thoughts on the community septic issue. Below are the results from the survey split into two sections. Toggle left and right through the slides to see the full results.

All Responses Combined:

Q1 Have you applied for a septic permit and were denied? 
A bar chart showing survey results where 19.64% applied for a septic permit and were denied, while 80.36% did not.

Answered: 56 / Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses
Total Respondents:56
Q2 Are you currently unable to rebuild on your property due to size constraints for an onsite septic system? 
A bar chart from SurveyMonkey showing responses to a yes/no question about property rebuilding constraints due to septic system size.

Answered: 53 / Skipped:3

Answer ChoicesResponses
Total Respondents: 53
Q3 Do you plan to rebuild, if so when? 
A bar chart from SurveyMonkey showing 63.46% plan to rebuild and 36.54% do not. Total respondents: 52.

Answered: 52 / Skipped:4

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 52
Q4 Have you spoken with Lane County about your septic needs? 
A bar graph displaying survey results for a question about speaking with Lane County on septic needs, with 52.73% yes and 47.27% no responses.

Answered:55 / Skipped: 1

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 55
Q5 If a community wastewater system is constructed, would you be interested in hooking up? 
Bar chart showing survey results on interest in connecting to a proposed community wastewater system, with 58% Yes and 42% No.

Answered: 50 / Skipped: 6

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 50
Q6 Are you aware that EWEB is currently offering grants up to $35,000 for installing septic systems on fire-impacted properties? 
A bar chart showing survey results on awareness of grants for septic systems by EWEB, with 68.52% respondents aware and 31.48% not aware.

Answered: 54 / Skipped:2

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 54
Q7 Your property description. 
A bar chart from a survey by Blue River Water & Sanitation District showing property types: Residential (80%), Commercial (12.5%), Both (8.93%).

Answered: 56 Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 56

Downtown Blue River Responses:

Q1 Have you applied for a septic permit and were denied? 
A bar graph showing survey results for a septic permit application, with 38.46% yes and 76.92% no responses.

Answered: 13 / Skipped: 1

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 13
Q2 Are you currently unable to rebuild on your property due to size constraints for an onsite septic system? 
A bar graph showing survey results on property rebuilding constraints due to septic system size, with most respondents answering "No."

Answered: 14 / Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 14
Q3 Do you plan to rebuild, if so when? 
A bar chart from SurveyMonkey showing that 85.71% plan to rebuild, and 14.29% do not, based on 14 responses.

Answered: 14 / Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 14
Q4 Have you spoken with Lane County about your septic needs? 
A SurveyMonkey bar chart showing 57.14% answered "Yes" and 42.86% "No" to speaking with Lane County about septic needs. Total respondents: 14.

Answered: 14 / Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 14
Q5 If a community wastewater system is constructed, would you be interested in hooking up? 
A bar graph showing survey results on interest in connecting to a community wastewater system, with a majority saying yes.

Answered: 12 / Skipped: 2

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 12
Q6 Are you aware the EWEB is currently offering grants up to $35,000 for installing septic systems on fire-impacted properties? 

Answered: 14 / Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 14
Q7 Your property description. 
A bar graph displaying survey results for property descriptions: residential, commercial, and both. Total respondents: 14.

Answered: 14 / Skipped: 0

Answer ChoicesResponses 
Total Respondents: 14

We genuinely thank you for taking the time to share your insights with us. Your feedback is crucial in helping us better serve the Blue River community.

Best regards,

Blue River Water District

Tel: 458-459-0048